Sunday, September 28, 2008

Go. Do. Be...

"Go. Do. Be..."  I figure for the title of a blog... well, not any blog, but *my* blog... that's a fine and all-encompassing title.  While I'm particularly antsy to write about motorcycling at the moment, Fall is soon to set in and then I'll just be whining about not being able to ride, and that's only fun to read for so long.  Gifted with a short attention span, it's very likely that I'll see something shiny somewhere else and want to write about *that* or muse about why my dog likes to eat cat poo, but it wouldn't make sense on a blog I've called 'Life on Two Wheels' or something similar where the reader has a reasonable expectation to see something about motoring around town.  No, "Go. Do. Be..." suits me quite well, I think.  And, now that I've settled on the punctuation, it's way past my bedtime. 

Until next time!


Robin said...

Congratulations! I'm proud of you. As I said today, you know you have a built-in audience of at least four. Can't wait to see how it goes.

Unknown said...

Yay! Glad you'll be writing about least for awhile, so I can continue to live vicariously.

I have a blog. When I'm not so embarrassed about it, I'll share it with all also.


Jean said...

Go Girl! I'm going live adventurously vicariously too! Becca, you should share your blog with us..if we're not a safe audience who is? Miss you guys.

jwesterman said...

I'm so glad to see you guys!! Rebecca, I saw the perfect pink scooter for you...
share the blog!

and, is it odd that ginny is the last one in?
:) jw

Ginny said...

Geez.....I am way behind here aren't I? And bummed cause I wanna ride too! Add my congrats and being proud and living vicariously thru you also. Having had a license for 10 years and never been on a bike since (except behind Jeff & a friend here in OR) its a bummer! man oh man......Enjoyed reading your blog tho Joanne and look forward to more of your writings. Have yet to be able to get yours to let me sign on Rebecca. This is soooo nice for me to be able to read about what is going on with you all for a change since I have been spaming your mailboxes for years with my musings and such! Love ya all and glad for the support and love we all share. You all are the best!